NHS Maskinfabrik A/S | Bergsøesvej 6 | 8600 Silkeborg | Tlf. +45 87206500 | nhs@nhs-maskinfabrik.dk
Robust and compact machines with superior NHS feed system are perfect all-purpose machines for professional cleaning and production of chips for stokers in the intermediate class.
Characteristic of V-machines is a 90° side-infeed in the direction of travel that makes these machines ideally suited for cleanup along the paths and roads.
They are equipped with a row (wagon-coupling), designed for light tipper or equivalent.
NHS 220cv are modular machines with hot dip galvanised base (bottom frame) - constructed in high tensile steel, which ensures low weight but high durability. The perfect all-rounder.
The woodchipper is produced as a ecv (Oil supplied from tractor) and as a icv (internal hydraulic)
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